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Counting waterfowl within the Western Rockaway terminus: Riis Beach, Fort Tilden and Breezy Point

January 18

Leaders: Peter Dorosh and Carl Biers

Participant limit: 10

Note: This is an official state count, part of the Kings tally for the NYS annual winter waterfowl survey (see reference link below). Be prepared for a challenging walk of up to 10 miles (including 5 miles on beach sand) in potentially harsh, wintry conditions, particularly at the Breezy Point unit, which spans a total of 4 miles.

Focus: all waterfowl including sea ducks, geese, grebes, loons, etc. Two teams will be organized to cover more areas in less time.

Registrar: Peter Dorosh, email Prosbird@gmail.com or Prosbird@aol.com

Registration Period: Jan 12th- Jan 16th

Carpool fee: $10.00  Club members and drivers get priority.

References:  https://www.nybirds.org/ProjWaterfowl.htm


January 18


Brooklyn Bird Club