World Migratory Bird Day !!!WEEK!!! 2020
Join us in honoring World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) on May 9 with a week-long celebration of spring migration in Brooklyn.
Due to current circumstances, we are postponing our annual team-based Bird-a-thon and fundraiser until October, but want to recognize this most exciting time of the year for birding.
In this time of social distancing, many of us are exploring and birding our local parks, and it’s great to see wider coverage over the entire borough as we focus on our local “patches.”
To celebrate birding apart, as a community, between May 6 and 12,
- Get out birding! Visit your local birding hotspot, or any location in Brooklyn, even your backyard! Please bird safely. - Submit your lists to eBird
- Share your sightings, lists, and stories on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, using the hashtag #BKWMBD
- Don’t use social media? Feel free to share your stories and sightings with the Brooklyn Club and we’ll post for you.
At the end of our week of celebration, we’ll review eBird records to count the total number of species and checklists submitted in Brooklyn.
Have fun birding, and stay safe! Happy WMBWEEK!